The enormous capital of hallownest and heart of the once great kingdom now crawling with the husks of foolish noble bugs and guards still devoted to their duties. Im fighting soul master now even though ive completed the royal waterways deepnest and have explored a lot of the map. Hollow knight guide steel soul mode top 5 charm builds duration. Unfortunately for us traversing city of tears is a bit of a pain but there are some merchants here who are well worth it. The path directly to the map maker is also blocked off so youll need to make a loop around to find him. Ive dropped 15 hours into hollow knight and the lack of pointing you in the right direction has made the challenge only harder. Hollow knight getting map of city of tears raphidy17. Introduction for a game as massive as hollow knight maps are essential. Maps of hallownest showing all regions rooms bosses grubs charms warrior graves essence trees cartographer locations collectibles hidden hunter journal entries etc. Hollow Knight Maps Of Hallownest The city of tears is the capital of hallownest and was once the heart of the fallen kingdom. This page of the ign hollow knight wiki guide includes instructions on how to find and navigate the city of tears the fourth major area in hollow knight. City of tears is a location in hollow knightplease see walkthrough for other areas.